When individuals decide to start a business as a partnership there are many different issues that should be addressed and resolved prior to entering into a partnership commitment. If you are entering into a partnership with somebody else, then it is vital that you are both absolutely clear and in agreement about what responsibilities you will both have and what will be required of you. If these issues are unclear, then disputes can arise due to a lack of communication, a simple misunderstanding, or sheer obstinacy.
When disputes arise among business owners, they can quickly escalate into very serious legal matters. If you do not have your agreements in writing, then the other individual may try to deny that an agreement was ever made, which could leave most of the responsibility to maintain the business on you. Since there are a host of issues that should be addressed when dividing responsibility for a business; you would be well-advised to consult with a Maryland civil litigation lawyer when forming a partnership or corporation with another person in order to prepare an agreement that appropriately protects your interests and your rights.
If you find yourself in the position where business partners are deadlocked or failing to fulfill their partners' expectations, our attorney can help you to evaluate your options. In some cases, that involves litigation and if litigation is required, we are ready to help. We can also provide you with the legal assistance that you will need if you are starting a business with someone else.
The Brennan Law Firm, LLC has successfully assisted numerous individuals in the past and will be able to put its skill and extensive experience to work for you. Please do not hesitate to contact the office as soon as possible.