Businesses sometimes face legal threats from employees (or ex-employees) who believe they have been discriminated against on a legally-prohibited basis such as the employee's:
Employers may also encounter investigations from state and federal agencies due to claimed discrimination or violation of state or federal labor laws such as the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and wage & hour laws. Likewise, sexual harassment lawsuits are not uncommon. These are difficult issues that must be carefully addressed by a legal professional with a great depth of knowledge of both state and federal labor laws.
Employers also encounter problems when employees leave voluntarily in order to compete. Some employers have had entire segments of their business disappear as a result of solicitation by competitors or disloyal employees. When these actions are taken in violation of a covenant not to compete or when an employee steals trade secrets and proprietary information, an employer may be able to obtain a court order to stop the competition or to secure the return of the trade secrets.
Legal threats related to labor and employment law are always a concern. They can be expensive and can tie up the time and attention of the leaders in the company. Whether there is truth in the claim or it is utterly false, you want to ensure that you have a highly qualified Maryland employment law attorney managing the situation. If not skillfully handled, the issues can escalate and result in further legal trouble and losses. We have represented a host of employers in employment litigation and compliance and can immediately review the situation and help you navigate to the most appropriate resolution.
Whether your business is a plaintiff or defendant, our Firm can represent you in any labor or employment law matter. Our clients can expect the highest quality legal representation from a Maryland attorney with extensive experience in resolving these issues.
It is absolutely crucial to the fiscal health of an organization to have an attorney that will take action to protect against claims and attacks from disgruntled employees. Labor law is extremely complex, and it is possible that as an owner, you are not aware that your company has fallen out of compliance in some aspect of either Maryland or federal labor or employment laws. There are many types of issues to manage in running a business, but claims from employees related to discrimination or other matters can be extremely stressful. There are many law Firms that have practices concentrating on claims against employers, creating a particularly difficult situation for company owners. These cases don't just go away, whether the claim is a nuisance, frivolous or completely untrue. Protect your company in all matters of employment and labor law, and contact the Firm immediately. The attorney from the Firm will carefully evaluate the situation and advise you of the best course of action, based upon the details, the various options for resolution and the evidence in the case.
If your company is currently facing any litigation or claims related to employee discrimination, wage and hour claims, legal problems related to compensation, violations of non-compete agreements or clauses, or any other legal issue, contact the Firm. Fast, effective action can save you the consequences of heavy financial losses. The goal of the Firm is to take the case in hand and protect your rights and interests, allowing you to focus on your other business activities. The Firm has a long history of effective legal actions in civil litigation. You can be fully confident that your matter will be addressed professionally and that your company's interests will be at the heart of every legal action taken, whether in private negotiations, mediation, arbitration or in court.
Contact us for more information about how the Firm can assist you in employment and labor law matters.